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Tamarind Sweet & Sour Chutney (Imli Ki Chutney) in Urdu/Hindi by Azra Salim

Recipe by: Personal Recipes Personal Recipes

Tamarind sweet Chutney is a very healthy and common recipe for all the people. It is very simple to make it. We can serve it as many chaat items, a tastiest dip for variety of samosas, with fried snacks and...etc. People are fond of eating this so don't forget to try it out. Make sure to Subscribe, like and comment on my videos. Thank you for watching! ^_^!!!
1 -- packet: Tamarind (pulp)
Soak with 2 cups of hot water for 2 hours & sieve puree/pulp
2 ½ - cups: Sugar (or) to taste
2 -- tbs: Crushed red pepper
½ - tsp: Cumin powder
¾ - tsp: Salt (or) to taste
½ - tsp: Ginger powder
½ - tsp: Ground Black Pepper
½ - tsp: Carom Seeds
3 -- Green Chilies (paste)
1 -- tab: White Vinegar

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